"as you sent me into the world, so now i have sent them into the world..." john 17:18
i have very simple goals on this journey. to love Jesus more every day by living life in His presence, and to bring glory to His holy name with this one small life i have been given. if this results in what i would deem a 'successful' ministry of many new believers and discipleship that reproduces itself, to God be the glory. if the Lord sees fit that i see little earthly results of the work He allows me to do for Him, to God be the glory. that's all it is about anyway.
i am more thrilled about this journey than words can adequately express. i have experienced God's presence and His power. He has filled me with such joy and love for others that this new adventure is just a small way of His allowing me to take the overflowing cup in my soul and pour it into the lives of others.
"Lord, push me, humble me, use me, hurt me, break me, change me, grow me and discipline me for I want your heart, hands, mouth, eyes and feet, that I may serve, honor, obey, trust, love, give, help and heal, all for your plan, purpose, glory, kingdom, and name."
it has begun...