Thursday, December 20, 2007


i've been given so much.
blessed abundantly.

so much so.
that my 'need' for God.
is placed on the top shelf.
something i will pull down later.
when something has been taken.

this is wrong.

i want God.
i pursue after Him.
desire to be like Him.
cry out to be close to Him.

but do i act as if i need Him?
do i live a life that is

i live in a place called america.
God has blessed this place.
so much.

too much.

my fear is that because we are too blessed.
we are living lives that look nothing like
people in need.

and so we 'love' God.
because we are blessed.
and because we need someone to attribute those blessings to.

but do we cry out for Him?
are we so desperate for His presence
we can't live without Him?

can we be truly broken.
if we think everything can be easily fixed?

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