Tuesday, January 6, 2009


heard this song the other day
can't get it off my heart.
being patient is an every day battle.
waiting is painful right now.
but i will serve Him.
even in the waiting.

i'm waiting
i'm waiting on You, Lord
and i am hopeful
i'm waiting on You, Lord

though it is painful
but patiently, i will wait
i will move ahead,
bold and confident
taking every step in obedience

while i’m waiting
i will serve You
while i’m waiting
i will worship
while i’m waiting
i will not faint
i’ll be running the race
even while i wait

i’m waiting
i’m waiting on You, Lord
and i am peaceful
i’m waiting on You, Lord
though it’s not easy
but faithfully, i will wait
yes, i will wait

'...be still before the Lord, and wait patiently for Him.' ps. 37:7
'...my soul waits for the Lord. in His Word i put my hope.' ps.130:5
'...but i have stilled and quieted my soul.' ps. 131:2
'...but my eyes are fixed on You.' ps. 141:8
'...show me the way i should go, for to You i lift up my soul.' ps. 143:8

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