Tuesday, August 18, 2009

a time to prepare.

this place, this time in my life, has far exceeded my expectations.  there's something about being in a community filled with people of the same heart, the same mind, and the same love for the Savior that makes every single day an absolute joy.  the people here are beautiful.  they have one purpose and that is the gospel to the nations.

the meals we are served are often cultural, and at times we eat with our hands and/or scoop courses up with bread.  there are 'squatty potties' in the bathroom, and we are encouraged to only eat with our right hand, as in other countries the left one is their toilet paper.  worship is done in small groups like house churches, as that will be the typical style of services overseas, and often it is done entirely in another language.

i have made many lifetime friends, even in this relatively short amount of time.  we took a roadtrip to Washington DC last weekend...

jenn. heather. melanie. heidi. me. angela. casey.
anna. angela. melanie. me. 
ronnie. angela. brian. me. eric. heidi. grace. heather. eric. jenn. 

the days are filled with learning.  i am reminded every day that i am living not for an earthly kingdom, but His kingdom, and His name.  i have heard story after story of those missionaries who have gone before, their service, and their sacrifice, sometimes even that of their life.  it truly causes one to think deeply about purpose when included in training are instructions on how to correctly fill out a last will and testament.  but even this is put in perspective when i think about His sacrifice.  i was bought with a high price and my life is no longer my own.  it is His. 

"take my life and let it be, consecrated Lord to thee." 

1 comment:

Faith My Eyes said...

This experience sounds amazing, I'm sure you're learning a ton! Thanks for the update :)